Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Rarity Upgrades Are Upsetting...

I'm a budget player (which is why I play Glads competitively), so it's great when I see good common cards that I want to play that are currently released in the OCG, like this gem:

Solemn Warning is a great card that I hope to run only one of. Paying 2000 Life Points is a hefty cost, and running two or three would be just too much in a deck that relies on the Battle Phase to gain advantage. But this card negates so much, considering the fact that so many meta [and non-meta] decks love to Special Summon.

Now, to my understanding, someone has opened a box of TCG DREV early and has discovered the rarity changes and unknown exclusives (as usual). It was revealed that Solemn Warning is Ultra Rare. In this case, it doesn't matter too much since I only plan on running one and the hype for Solemn Warning isn't too high. I just really hope I pull it when I go to my first Sneak Peek this weekend...

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